
You should really watch Battle Royale. It has its problems, but it is definitely worth checking out. One of my favorite dystopian movies.

Ah, ok. I'll admit my understanding of interstellar physics is not....stellar. [www.badum-tish.com]

Domestic Box Office Take:

If that show existed, I'd watch it.

ScyFy is not SciFi anymore. They changed their name as a symbolic break with their emphasis on science fiction when the company changed management. They want to be known for more than just science fiction. Sad for those who enjoyed the old programming, but it is their company to do with as they wish.

Wait....I have a question. How does the planet maintain structural integrity at a twentieth the speed of light? Isn't that fast enough to rip the planet apart as it travels?

Ah. That it has.

I am frantically trying to catch up with the eps I missed in time for tomorrow night! I am so excited to see Cas again! :D

You mean, we are not supposed to point out the obvious parallels between the two stories?

I cannot respond to your comment, John, so I just responded to my own. Stupid "short comment" restriction.

Must. resist. pointing. out. illogical. time. paradoxes. of. Looper.

Those are all fine and dandy lofty ideals, but the reality is considerably more dirty. You are forgetting how corrupt, how disorganized, and how undemocratic the public school system is. There are administrators and even school board members in many states that are not elected. At all. They are appointed usually by

And that is how I know this poll is a crock of shit. I voted for the worst movie, not the movie that made me angriest or that it is cool to hate.

This happens all the time in science. The same thing happened with the theory of Natural Selection. Charles Darwin gets the credit because he published it first even though Alfred Russell Wallace came up with the same hypothesis independently and even sent it in a letter to Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell. Darwin

Exactly what I was picturing!


I think you are right. Manos should win this poll hands down. It is officially one of the worst movies EVER made. To lose out on that title to TF2 is just.....well, that's just bogus!

I think you people are letting your Bay-Hate outweigh your reason. You really think TF2 is worse than Manos The Hands of Fate, then watch it again. And not the MST3K riff, watch Manos the Hands of Fate on its own, the original. See if you can last half an hour before you are banging your head on your desk.