
I was just making a joke. I've seen your posts before about how you read a lot of Tolkien and LotR. Just thought it'd be funny if you were interviewed by a business type that hates LotR but saw your Io9 comments. It just seemed like a funny, awkward exchange in my head.


Your English professor should get an award.

"How do you hire people as teachers but not actually trust them to teach? "

Exactly. Communities are letting their politics and their religious beliefs get in the way of the education of their children and that is more destructive to America than anything else. You are right, they are not going to relinquish that power, but as Lemmy from Motörhead once said:

Exactly! I completely agree! I would lawyer up and file a defamation lawsuit.


Especially if the person interviewing you says they don't like Lord of the Rings.

Dude. The movie is a failure. Get over it. Accept it. Move on.

I"m so glad that calmer heads prevailed. It was obvious from the start that the "pornography" was made-up bullshit. I feel really bad for the teacher.

Or just delete it entirely.


"Dark Side of the Moon" in Season 5 where the boys die and go to Heaven. That is Sam having dinner with the family of a girl he liked and she felt him up under the table.

It terrifies me, that's for sure.

Awh....that was a sad story.

If that is not a face hugger, then I'll eat my shoe!

I've watched it 4 times over the course of 2 years and I still can't figure Primer out.

See my response to housermag above about comparing movies to their original books. Also, don't hold a grudge against Will Smith for Fresh Prince. That was 20 years ago and I am Legend the alternate cut is actually a respectable bit of storytelling.