
twitch chat never fails

In a competitive game with abilities and ults I feel like the community is always going to be a bit toxic. Some character is always going to be op or counter somebody’s main and have them flying to the forums with plenty of NaCl.

When you try and fix the meta you so royally fucked up but then just royally fuck it up some more. This last expansion caused me to quit HS and I don’t think these changes will bring me back.

My first gaming disappointment was in the 6th grade when I watched a couple of trailers, hyped myself up beyond belief, and bought Brink. It hurts just remembering this atrocity of digital entertainment, I hope none of you had the experience of playing such a shitty game.

Disguised Toast is my favorite HS streamer and continues to put out great content about the game. I spent a lot of time watching his f2p hunter hit legend. He’s a really good guy, and great HS player. I hope he keeps up the good work.

clearly activision is throwing us a curveball and it’s gonna be set in ww1

that was my first thought lol

“streamer” Kappa

I think a game set in the universe of Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman would be pretty interesting. I haven’t finished the entire thing yet, but players exploring the London Below would be really neat I think. It wouldn’t have to follow the story bc i’m almost half way through and there is no fighting scenes, I was just

I feel like a lot of these games you need 3rd person for the combat tho. The world itself might look better, but I’d take gameplay over immersion any day.