
Exactly. In a decade or two the file sizes we deal with now will be peanuts and there'll be no reason NOT to backup things obsessively.

They stick on the side of the fridge.

I'm only 21 and I remember every one of these sounds. Chances are that most people older than 15-17 do, too.

That video looks staged. How convenient for the freak out to last exactly 2 minutes and for the camera brother to have such good opportunities to set up and turn it off.

So, bloating a program and making it slow-running once the phone starts to age improves the user experience?

If they were to eventually lose their dependency on bugs, and then their habitats became de-polluted after a few centuries, would the plants then be able to wean themselves back on bugs?

ESPECIALLY when this first-gen tech is a body implant.

Every time I hear an iPhone alarm I shudder. I can't imagine getting up every morning to a song I like; my enjoyment of it would be destroyed.

I'm left-handed and can't even use a left handed mouse. So awkward.

How many people would need a password book rather than a pass word paper?

Indeed, Alex Duff is describing Its a Wonderful Life.

Someone call the Little Prince.

I have Boomsticktmo's problem with my iPad too. The problem isn't that Giz doesn't let iPads comment, its that the site loads horrendously and its a terrible stress to try and comment because the screen might freeze, the buttons and texg are hard to activate, and Giz tends to crash.

No problem. I haven't even updated my iPad 1 to the latest version because I figured it wouldn't take it very well. It's already pretty slow and crashy (esp with Giz actually).

Oh that's actually really funny.

States Rights vs Federal rights becoming a hot topic for a long period of controversy? States voting themselves away?

Firmly defined for you but not others.

This photo taught me a great deal about Zach McBurger's nose that I didn't know before. I think by the end of the summer we'll have a real celeb out of him.

Is there braille written on the links?

Well, la-de-da. Some of us have developed improper toilet habits and depend on other people's status updates to learn how to shit proper.