
Not only that, but he eventually escaped from the program. Think what you will of the Pope or his beliefs, but its incredibly unfair and just plain wrong to use the Hitler Youth against him.

No. Artists deserve to make a decent living out of their work, and if you want to continue to have content to steal then you'd better support them. If art were not an industry then it would just be a game for elites and you would have no access to it.

Yeah, only once we've successfully tackled realism can we look seriously towards abstraction.

Umm, but to simulate being blind wouldn't you also need to simulate the other senses too? If I tried walking down a video-game street going on nothing but my ears it'd would be a hell of a lot harder than merely walking down the street blind.

Y'know, its possible to promote audio video games without denigrating visual video games. Art doesn't "need" any one set of materials - it theoretically can be made from anything at all.

I think these were actually used in the UK.

And I thought Krusty the Klown was over the top.

"Or," I would rather say, "they can make 0$ from people who would have paid money to stream their movies on Netflix and will now stream them on pirate websites instead."

Am I the only one who thought that "coon hounding" was a reference to something that had absolutely nothing to do with dogs and absolutely everything to do with ... something else?

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

Absolutely. When I watch episodes of TV shows, I don't use Youtube because its pirated. There's just no other way to access them, besides ordering a 40$+ DVD set and waiting for it to come in a week.

Is Kinetically-powered energy viable yet? It would be perfect for this material, all you'd need to do is put the power-source-generator thingie in the elastics for the underwear.

Wait... What? Those kinds of handsets are called "retro" now? Already? I'm only 20 and I remember when they were the phone handset.

I don't get skinny jeans. Why would anyone want to look like Akhenaten?

Is windows 'live' in the sense that "I want to live!" or "This show is live"? I've always assumed it was the second, but's thats never made much sense to me.

Personally I think tactile feedback is subjective. When I first started using laptops I had trouble using those sliverous keys, but now whenever I'm faced with a desktop keyboard its clunkiness makes my fingers trip. With this thing, eventually you'd get used to it.

The USA is huge but cities are tiny. If those ten missiles struck the ten largest cities on the East Coast the damage would be tremendous.

Who cares? JKR's one trick pony made her a billionaire, so money is not a concern. She can write absolutely anything she wants and it won't matter one iota (her reputation and self-esteem aside). If she writes an adult book it might be rather interesting, because she'll really only be writing it as an intellectual

I concur. Why is nobody else asking this question?

Me, I don't want a dumb TV or a smart TV. But I still want to watch all videos I can watch on my laptop on my TV.