
I think its pretty flattering for Oprah that, at age 58, she was mistaken for a 48 year-old.

90 seconds sounds like a heck of a long time - I mean, at Wendys the toaster only takes about 15 seconds.

Maybe those people are actually in their 90s?

Why doesnt the win8 desktop have the same minimalist visual style as Metro?

Hahaha! I paid too much! You're a regular Roger Dudek!

Is snow cover visible from space? If so, why is most of the country brown in January?

We University students and are too young to truly say we've seen anything yet. Fourteen years ago when you were a kid Google didn't exist. Big whoop.

How about the iPad battery being able to last 10 hours?

Well, by the 1950s the status of women had been a major topic of debate for decades. Most people would not have been too flustered by the idea of powerful women - though their pre-existing prejudices, both positive and negative, may have clouded how they think of it.

Some day soon I expect to wake up and find out that Anonymous has been purged.

I just want to watch what I want, now, without a hassle, or worrying about the price. Once the content distributors get that I have no more bone to pick. I have no interest in being a Somali pirate.

I'd say the sinking of the ship looks a lot more like the Andrea Doria in 1956, which we also have photos of.

That sounds like a veiled threat:)

Yeah, I didn't get that either. Facebook has hundreds of millions of people and has been the dominant network for about 4 years now. People who normally arent digitally active, say your 55-yr old luddite, are on Facebook. It doesnt make sense to compare it to networks that had only tens of millions of users and were


The problem was that the audio recording quality of 1912 and the film quality of 1929 was pretty bad. Generational issues are pretty irrelevant. Put up your years about a decade, so a top song from the 1920s and a top movie from around 1940, by which time quality was considerably better, youll find that theres an

I don't get it. Is he an employer telling an employee that he will pay him tuesday if the employee gives him a hamburger today?

What's there to improve with the viewing angle? I'm using an iPad right now and the picture quality never changes however you look at it. Though I guess the screen tech may have changed for the 2nd generation.

Well, don't different OSes have different ways of reporting disk sizes? According to Wiki Macs do in fact report disk size according to decimal units. Also according to Wiki, some companies, specifically Western Digital, have been sued because of this problem. There answer was to start printing disclaimers about

Take your sleeve, brush the screen, and voila! Smudges gone in a jiffy.