
@trev801: What's wrong with gimmicks? Colour is a gimmick. HD is a gimmick. Even good graphics are gimmicks.

@gtbrown: Yes, but even then, the average rate in industrialized countries wouldn't be so radically lower.

I just want to live long enough that my life stages will take up decades of my life, instead of the 5-25 lengths now. So, youth lasts to age 50, middle age lasts to age 90, active old age goes on till about 140, and and I die somewhere about my 150th year.

@rewards: Yes, your name and identity will be on this Earth forever. Just like Philippe Tremblay's, the Parisian grocer who died in 1562.

@KTope: Well, by the time you reach 90, you'll probably be able to be much more active than today's 90-year olds.

"only about 1 in 600,000 people in industrialized nations live [to be 100]".

@aaon: Well, considering that life expectancy has been growing about 2 years a decade since around the 1930s... by 2110 even normal people should be living that long (well, 50.0001% of them).

@StrangeRider: I think with this tech you could project it wherever you want.

" they're not thrilled about the entertainment industry demanding they upgrade TVs again"

@lldsandsFLll: Are you refering to his mention of the Hindenburg, the hydrogen powered Zeppelin who's crash in 1937 led to the decline of the use of airships?

This thing may be over priced, but it's useful nonetheless. I personally have wasted tons of time of the years figuring which key was what, simply because the hardware and software keyboards were not the same. Try typing french accented letters, using a french virtual keyboard, when you don't know most of the

@AndrosZ: I understand what you mean, and I'm sure that most people do in fact try to protect their phones. But it's not realistic to expect them to be able to do so 24/7 - phones are taken everywhere, and there are some common situations where fragile devices don't stand a chance (when you're running for a train, for

@thenk83: I've dropped my iPod Touch on concrete and into snow. If this iPhone shatters after a single, one foot drop, something is wrong with it and ita not the consumers fault.

@AndrosZ: It's an expensive pie e of electronic software that is very frequently dropped. MAKE IT STRONGER.

@Jeremy: I haven't had any problems with flash either, but that may be that I've subconsciously accepted that flash will not work and subtly avoid flash-heavy sites with a shrug.

@MePeePee: Who cares if something more powerful is coming? The iPad can display HD video, the screen resolution is adequate, graphics quality is good, and there are no lag issues. There are some bugs, sure, but they're not so serious that they can't be fixed with a software update.

There's a new problem with music in iOS 4 that you don't seem to have noticed - 'é's are no longer interpreted as 'e's by the app. So, if there's an artist whose name is sometimes spelled with an 'e' and other times with an 'é', it will have two separate groups of songs with none shared (before, there were still two

@transferase02: I was a child of the turn of the century- I used to draw pictures of 9/11.

@Wewtaco: The correct term is however people use it. Dictionaries only reflect people's language, they don't dictate it.

Pish posh, I was born in 1991 and until around 2004 I used tapes more than CDs. I never courted a gal with them, but then again, I've never wanted to.