It’s a full priced AAA game, not some F2P scamjob.
It’s a full priced AAA game, not some F2P scamjob.
Protip, check out some legit chanbara films. Last Samurai is pretty good, but it has a serious case of White Savior Syndrome™.
Building a fresh PC is such a bodacious way to expand one’s ability to game. It’s a borderline religious experience from the hardware selection to the first successful boot to the moment the first game you install runs better than your last rig.
Welp, I know what my weekend plans are now. I’ve been meaning to replay DS3 since the DLC dropped.
PBF is the best absurdist webcomic of all time. Second only to Far Side in the realm of general comics.
I snagged Xcom 2 on the most recent Humble Monthly so I’ll be sinking my teeth into that tonight. Saturday’s itinerary is finally finishing Bloodborne after months of procrastination and the last few post-work nights barreling through it wholesale: also some FFXV to cleanse the palate.
Are you also super miffed that Civ VI is moving towards a piecemeal DLC model?
UGH, these are gorgeous. I get weak in the knees for thoroughly detailed model kits.
I’m going to waste so much time at work with this.
Sounds like someone is trying to play Dishonored 2...
Saved for justice!
Where the hell does one find Acid in this day and age? I’ve had zero luck.
Civilization VI & a little puzzler I picked up with the Steam Halloween Sale called Slayaway Camp.
I may be playing this a bit much, I had an erotic dream about Queen Victoria last night.
I’m getting some serious Uplink vibes here.
For a while I managed a comic and game shop and we would have all night gaming events every month. Once you have the rules down this is easily one of the best ways to kill 4 hours. That is of course if you don’t have the time for a marathon Twilight Imperium session.
The animation is gorgeous, although I have a sneaking suspicion I won’t be able to tell through the torrent of tears this will likely elicit.
The anime is an adaptation of the game, cutting out several of the alternate possible timelines and cleaning up the story quite a bit.
As a glorious D.Va garbage human I can guarantee there shall be both Dew & Ritos in blood sugar endangering quantities.