
except when there are seats!

I haven't seen or heard any of it or really heard about it enough to know that it came out last year but I still got the joke.

It's clear that they are all 3 in a romantic relationship, though how sexual Dani is directly with Lito and Hernando is unclear. Considering that a big part of this show is exploring non-normative relationships her relationship with Lito and Hernando makes total sense to me.

How can Dicky not be on this list???

blimpie used to exist all over. I ate them a ton as a kid in the south.

"And no NDA or non-compete as part of Action-Jack's severance?"

Agreed. This show is so real, many people I know can't watch it because it hits just too uncomfortably close to home.

Generally these sort of severance package NDAs (which I've signed) have a general non-disparagement clause. This means, essentially, not talking shit about the company in any capacity so he's definitely violating it. Hopefully he stays anonymous.

he was never working on the app he was one of the people in ehrlich's incubator

It's actually Big International Film and TV Company. Yahoo owns the US streaming rights. Sony is the creator and owns the rights outside of the US.