
Another nice this is that Sleep Heart Rate and Resting Heart Rate (not the same thing despite similar names) are really good metrics to use as a proxy for stress levels. As the pandemic has worsened here my RHR has gone up from 55 BMP before the Holidays peaking around 63. I decided to take some action to deal with

And what about Mint Mobile? Bring Your Own Phone (you know you have at least one of those already) and get UNLIMITED DATA (35GB until throttling) and 5G for $30 a month?

Fuck him. Charge the guy with damaging private property but then Smith with felony battery.

I’m pretty sure they see this whole thing as performance art

The article is more than a little tone deaf. 

The article is more than a little tone deaf. 

I’m hanging onto mine for dear life. Nobody knows how long this will go for. There’s talks of recurring stimulus payments, but I gotta plan for the worst. Even if they come through, I’ll be hanging onto those as well and only spending what I have to on food, rent and utilities. That being said, I’m in a pretty sweet

I’m hanging onto mine for dear life. Nobody knows how long this will go for. There’s talks of recurring stimulus

Basic living expenses, which it will barely make a tiny dent. 

Basic living expenses, which it will barely make a tiny dent. 

I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.

They can’t even get the BO smell out of the stores what the heck do they think they can do with coronavirus?  

Are they seriously asking their on-the-ground employees to confront law enforcement and defy a lockdown order?

Well written, smart, fair piece. Hope you don’t get roasted for it.

I think the hatred stems from the fact that one of them wants to be her, and one of them wants to do her.

I finally figured out who she reminds me of. Piers Morgan. They are both unbearable ppl who talk to loud about shit they have very little knowledge about. Also to call back to another commenter, they both have a weird hatred of Meghan Markle

“Could we have some more butter please?

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

This take sucks. All it does is play into Republican hands: “See, even the liberals expect this from us”. It didn’t look like Nixon was going to be convicted until public support demanded it, and then he bailed. Letting Republicans off the hook before we even put them on it is defeatism.

And now for this disclaimer: We’ve known from the start that this would die in the senate. Nothing has changed. It will still die in the senate. The precedent will be set that this conduct is actually okay in the eyes of the “deliberative body,” and we will all be exactly where we were six months ago--and six months

For some reason, Clint Eastwood and the other makers of Richard Jewell decided that the tragic story needed a retelling with the addition of a spicy suggestion that Kathy Scruggs fucked for tips.

I don’t think one single person would be sad if he died. Melania would just go spend money.

I mean, it’s pretty rude to ask a softball question of a soccer coach.