
That's not what I said at all.

"Sugar, one of Diamondback’s goons, calls Claire “Night Nurse, a
reference to a comic book series put out by Marvel in the 70’s about
three female roommates who were nurses working the night shift in NYC.
The series was an attempt to reach the same audience as Nancy Drew. It only lasted four issues."

" (a wholly irrational practice nothing can possibly justify logically)"

I generally consider shootings or beheadings to be "attacks on people", yes.

Okay, so gay people you've never met existing…somewhere hurts everyone, but the coordinated violence and harassment campaigns that are the eternal fruit of bigotry are apparently totally jolly?

And you're clearly to weak mentally to overcome the weakness of "actually having compassion and not being needlessly cruel", clearly.

You responded to a thread in which people were appreciating Sunny for managing to discuss the concept of false rape accusations in a non-sexist way, and you shoehorned in a *completely* unrelated tirade about how women, as a group, are apparently allowed to merrily skip along raping people. Like, seriously, I can't

Dude, don't be that person. Come on. Not that person.