
Completely agree, just pointing out it was another 80's trope they trotted out and twisted.

Also was jarring to see so much smoking in the workplace (in my case, again, but I digress). It really did a good job of framing the 80's office environment for what it generally was- a sausage party of men treating women (and to a far lesser degree any man not in the clique) like second class citizens. 

It was also a call out to the 80's trope of mature woman/young man as seen in films like “My Tutor”, “Class”, “Once Bitten”, and “Private Lessons” (among many others). 

The comics code came along far after characters like Superman and Batman swore off killing. The Spectre killed pretty much every villain he faced in the Golden age. Heroes were designed to give kids someone to look up to instead of the tough down the street who was headed to prison or deep in to a gang (if you lived

Imaginary Lat Syndrome (ILS) is really pervasive in “gym rats” like him.

I also think it results in overproduction of feces, hot air, and effluvium. How else can they be so full of it when their mouth regurgitates it non-stop? It seems a never-ending supply is at their disposal on demand.

There is no magic pill or surgery or anything else that will make these boys successful. I expect they also troll on-line, have a battleship mouth which they cannot back up, and spend their entire time with any woman who will listen extolling their virtues as “manly men”. In my experience the most attractive women I

I think the people who are shocked at the villain twist saw Dany’s fervor in punishing those who wronged her as “justice” for their actions. We all should have started to be concerned when she burned the Tarlys. But most just felt that their defiance deserved it. The foreshadowing goes all the way back to season 1

I started reading the first book when it came out originally and followed along through all the delays of the subsequent books. The show came on and, in my opinion, made Dany a far superior character- in the book she is a child and her trials and tribulations seem unending and plodding. That said, I think the

I have been told by a reputable source that it was entirely done to mask changes to the formula due to ingredients becoming too expensive. A few other commentators have stated that pre-new Coke the drink was more assertive (or harsh) and having actually been alive, it was definitely sweeter tasting- more like Pepsi.

Queue the scene at the gates of Qarth (Season 2) and listen to her speech to the rulers. She clearly states she will burn cities to take back the Iron Throne. This did not come out of left field, people were just enamored of her righteous anger and did not pay attention to the actual words coming out of her mouth.

I believe Dany’s quote was “Let it be fear then”... 

Throughout her life Daenerys was subjected to violence by her brother, her husband, the masters, the Lords of Qarth, the warlocks, Robert Baratheon, and a myriad of others on one level or another. Even though he betrayed her, Jorah was her constant companion, often sole supporter, and the rock that she was able to

Could it be that Jon is “The Song of Ice and Fire” as he is the offspring of Stark and Targaryan? Perhaps Azor Ahai does not have to repeat their earlier actions of “forging the sword through the death of their loved one” but instead is just reborn and does heroic things? Perhaps Daenerys putting aside her “love” of

And he was the only person “romantically” linked to her that did not abuse and misuse her. Even before they were married he protected her from Joffrey. Potentially he is the only non-family member she knows who has not tried to use her in some way or fashion during their interactions.

I think a lot of people lost sight of the fact that they Night King was created by the Children of the Forest to kill men. He is not some force of nature or elemental being. He is a guy who got a dragon glass dagger stuck in him along with some of the mojo. He is not some complex creature of immense wisdom but rather