I downloaded it too, and it wiped out my data.
I downloaded it too, and it wiped out my data.
I made an extra 30 gb of free space by using Google AdWords and a dropbox referral link in about 2 hours.
Ads showed up 11,319 times with 547 people clicking on them.
55 out of those 547 People downloaded the software and 30 out of the 55 created accounts.
Average cost per click was $.02 and the price per GB was $0.298…
Matches: filename:jpg {photo photos pic pics picture pictures attachment attached}
My iPhone died 14 days out of warranty. I submitted the paperwork from Apple that said, had it been within the warranty period, they would have covered the repair — and Visa sent me a check for the cost of the replacement iPhone 4s. It was kinda awesome.
Yes. We put it in 4 Ally 5-year CD's. The penalty for early withdrawal makes them more worthwhile than the one or two year CD's, even if you take the money out in the same amount of time.
Only if there's a google-doodle
Yup and eventually got married.
I get 2.5% cash back from BoA. Can anyone determine what the "cash" equivalency of a flight or hotel room would be?
Passwords have a tension between ease and security. Make it too hard to log in and people won't use the service - but, if you make it too easy, their password would be hacked too fast.
They are illegal in NJ - check local laws before purchasing.
For contacts, I add my google contacts to my wifes phone as an exchange account and turn off mail, notes and calendar. That way, she has the contacts without any of the other stuff.
When driving, I'll have Siri open Pandora, call my wife or send a quick txt. Other than that, not too much.
My alarm was either $17 a month for a wireless system or $19 a month through Cablevision. For $2, I got a phone line in the house.
In gMail, you can create a filter if there are .jpg or .gif files attached to an email and have it give every email a label like "pic". Then just put in:pic in the search field and viola.....
If you're hitting the AMT, you're not going to be getting a deduction for student loan interest (but you will for mortgage interest). Just worth considering before you pay down the loan.
I have student loans at 1.3% and a mortgage at 4%. Assuming no credit card debt and I have enough money set aside for a rainy day, what's best to pay down - or should I just keep it in a cd like Ally for 1.7% interest?
Read this - send it to anyone like you: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist?s=godless+constitution&x=0&y=0
About 3 minutes. Googled "red yellow stripes flag" and got Barcelona. Then typed in name of building with Barcelona to find it on Google.