
I live in rural Canada and see them all the time. They’re really not that great. They’re huge and imposing and, unfortunately, very very stupid. I was driving home from a neighbouring town once on the highway and had to stop because a moose was standing in the middle of the road. He turned and for a moment looked like

Oh my god. Judging by these comments, this happens way more often that I would have figured. If anyone poisoned my dog, I would hunt them down and burn everything they own.

Correction: Sea of mostly white dudes who probably don’t even know how menstruation works.

I understand that all countries have issues - nowhere is perfect - but yikes America, you’re really coming across as a looney tunes mess these days.

I disagree about Leslie - I don’t think she’s right for the show. She’s a bit cringey and messes up a lot. Taran is great and Bobby has some great characters. Riblet and Drunk Uncle have me cackling every time! Cecily is pretty fearless with her sketches, she just goes for it and I love it. I’m still not crazy about

I would love for Netflix to pick this up or something, the premise for the TV show sounds interesting. The movie was hilarious and Peter was my absolute favourite.

I agree with you. People love to shit on the show but Kyle and Pete are great and lets not forget the wonderful Kate McKinnon! I think she’s the strongest new cast member the show has seen in a while.

I agree with you - I think she looks off. Her face looks thinner to me so maybe just weight loss and botox?

Now playing

I find their music pretty bland but their voices are actually pretty good. They harmonize well which is more than can be said for most groups/ “singers” these days:

Nobody is denying that ISIS hurts men too. I think the point users are trying to make though is that ISIS is made up of men. It is men doing this. It’s always men doing this shit.

Ohh excellent gif - athletes getting caught swearing on tv is one of my favourite things.

I like to imagine that UncommonSense actually knew it was a man all along but just didn’t give a fact.

Actually in Ontario you have 3 math courses that you can choose to take: Calculus, Statistics and Probability, or Advanced Functions I believe. You must take at least one. I went to school for English and ended up choosing Stats because I thought it was easier. However, if you plan on applying to any science or math

TIL I would not survive in Arizona. But really, I suppose you just adapt eventually to the temperatures of the area you live in. I always notice this in Canada as autumn rolls around and 10 degrees starts to feel a little chilly and you just want to wrap up in a big sweater and blanket, but after a frigid winter, 10

25!? Yikes, it was 28 in our office today and I was sweating buckets. My co-worker and I (both female) couldn’t work because it was so unbearable. Isn’t 68F/20C degrees just slightly below “room temperature”? That sounds perfect to me! Or is it because I’m Canadian and 20 degrees is practically a scorching summer day?


Hate to do this because I totally see your point but S Club 7 was English.

Exactly - Canada is full of musical talent that should have the chance to perform here. We have tons of up and coming artists like rapper Jazz Cartier who would probably jump at an opportunity to perform, and a host of well established acts like City and Colour, Drake, K-os, K’naan, or even the Tragically Hip! We

Agreed! It also seems a bit pointless to me. If you love somebody, just be with them. Why do you want to bind yourself to them legally?

Is this a tattoo of your cat or just a random cat tattoo? It looks awesome by the way. I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo of my dog and I’m trying to work myself up to doing it!