
Im 180cm tall, but i still do not like such comments. Where do you draw a line? It telling girls to get a breast implants ok? Is it ok to tell dark-skinned people to bleach their skin? Is it okay to tell homosexuals to go to “conversion therapy”? In my opinion none of those are okay.

I’m 6' and I don’t have any problem with her being fired. I can’t pretend to comprehend the cultural implications of the slang she used, but you can say “I prefer tall men” without saying “Short men aren’t humans and should have surgery to fix their defect”. Replace tall/short with any other immutable identifier about

Would you react the same way if she’d said “fat people have no rights, they should all get bariatric surgery”?

I’m with planehugger on this; saying that a broad group of people should be ashamed of their bodies and seek surgical care to “correct” it is fucking disgusting. It wouldn’t be any different than me going on Jezebel and saying, “Fat chicks are gross, they should all just get liposuction! lolz”

I think a person is being inappropriate anytime they suggest that someone is lesser because of a physical feature, and say they should get painful surgery to fix the supposed deficiency. That goes for the comments here, as well as the (far more common) comments women get about their physical features.

Only that’s not what she said. A person can say, for example, “I like women with small noses.” That’s different from saying, “Women with larger noses are lacking, and they should get surgery to fix their noses.”

Flip it around, a guy saying women with smaller breasts than a c cup have no human rights. How well would that go?

I definitely think the show has problems with giving you relatable characters to root for in S2 (and that’s a problem for me), but I don’t think the criticism here makes sense to me. The characters are supposed to be out of touch and venal, and I don’t think the show is actually suggesting these people are good role

As wrong as what Chappelle said is, some of the calls to take his special down sound to me like they’re using “video games cause violence” logic.

Yep. I did reduce all of your whingeing to a gag.  Comedy is great, ain’t it?  Anyway,  hope you found a show you like.  Ta.

You’re funny looking and smell bad!

Oh my god it’s distasteful? Are you sure?

That gets him canceled? Jesus. Really? What ever happened to just saying, “Dude, that was a dick comment. Say sorry and don’t say that shit anymore.”

Fully endorse the point about laying off kids (this seems like one of those things we’ll look back on the way we now look back on how Britney was treated).

It’s Tina Fey’s show and she can do what she wants with it.

With all due sympathy for people who’ve experienced prejudice or trauma, I think we need a discussion about how far it’s appropriate to go in the name of not triggering people.

There’s nothing about trans folk in this one

People in 2020 really do not get context do they? Just “this #problematic word was uttered, attack mode engaged.” How do you come away from that SNL thinking he was elated that Trump won? And yeah, Chappelle has never shied away from talking about how he’s rich and black, and even a bigot. That’s part of his bit.

You clearly don’t pay much attention to Dave Chappelle aside from what a few sources in your bubble spoon feed you.