Penelope Pitstop

Monty: “And right here, Your Majesty, is the spot where the “thrust” championed by my blind egotism will stall, wind up costing hundreds of lives at a pointless bridge, delay the end of the war, and set up the Americans for a bruising battle in a Nazi counterattack.. So, all in all, a good show for our side.”

Ah, Darth Knight of the Soul!

My kid loves The Octonauts. These things look a lot less scary on that show than in real life. I’ll stick to that as well, okay, thanks, bye.


He’s OK, but he’s no Joe Bowen. Bowen should call every game in every sport.

Pretty sure I’ve seen him on the Barton bus.

This is why Hamilton needs its own NHL team.

This must be the “cool people” thread full of the people who are totally fun at parties.

That was a great read.

My Dad grew up in eastern Kentucky, about 80 miles up Highway 27 from Frozen Head. He ran all through high school, and even got a cross country scholarship to a school in North Carolina. Like most people from rural Kentucky, going to college 200 miles away was about 195 miles too far, so he dropped out, came back,

All of the women would be on the other side of the island strategizing our next steps while the men tried to kill each other. I’d say they could get along amicably for maybe a couple days talking about video games and ranking best grains of sand or whatever, but I think they’d all be dead by day 3.

I love him so much. He’s like a human labrador.

Cap’s a harder role to play, really. Tony has all sorts of built in charm and swagger that you can build on to connect to the audience. He talks a lot, and he is expressive and emotive. Making him sympathetic is easy. I think it’s why they tank him so hard in Civil War. To make Cap be as sympathetic (and keep him from

Nationality and ethnicity aren’t the same. Canada is more ethnically homogeneous than the US and particularly has a much smaller black population. The bigger difference is that, aside from aboriginal populations, it’s generally less segregated.

As a Canadian, it also seems that the unhappiest people seem to emulate Americans. They also seem to all live in Alberta.

Tech jobs are in Toronto.

Maybe “they” don’t want to fight the cause?

I’m standing by my “most.” By the numbers, you’ve got (out of 13 guys):