
A skull, you know, a flyboy, a dupe, a pilot. So, I tell them I’m a pilot, and who do you think they give me? Grand Master Yoda, himself. Wielder of a little green lightsaber. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... green. So, I’m on the first flight with him. I give him the stick. He flies off and shoots one - big

Pickle Flash?

So... Boyega has played characters named Finn and Jake. Alright, then.

“I’m wondering what your family does at that time of year.”

He was always too slick. If I did a Gambit he’d be Cajun Swamp mutant. A fanboat guy in overalls picking up mud and charging it, exploding the bayou to fish.
“Gambit git you, I GARRE-UN-TEE!

“It’s an older joke, sir, but it checks out..”