She let bees into the house.
She let bees into the house.
He does still act! He does a lot of theater in NYC/Broadway (he’s a friend of a friend, although I’ve not met him).
No one ever mourns the loss of women who are killed or traumatized by abusive men. No one talks about the potential they had for growth. They are just throwaways, they were never going to achieve anything, but men are always given the benefit of the doubt. They always have infinite potential. Men have to do so little…
‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.
You know how there are Son of Sam laws against criminals profiting from their crimes?
Reading about these kids, who have accomplished so much makes me really look at what I’ve been doing with my life. Billy here has disappeared over 26mil, and what have I done? Taught my dog some tricks? Built an impressive marijuana tolerance? I just hope young kids on the internet read this in the future and change…
What’s James Vanderbeek so worked up about?
I loved the story because it really elucidated how someone like Trump is possible because of New York. It’s a place where if you’re white and you know what buttons to press, the world is your fucking oyster
She’s trying to be reasonable and respectable. That mindset will doom everyone, because being reasonable, respectable, and being “good” serve only the oppressor. It is depressing how many people still have the need to be that as internalized self-hate.
Drake reveals that Kanye is actually Rob kardashian in blackface.
The real Ye moved to South Africa with Mos Def in 2012 and is now a High School drama teacher.
Martha did less time as a convict than Kalief Browder did as a suspect whose charges were dropped. She also had more privileges and humane living conditions compared to Kalief Browder. I will take felony with wealth any day.
If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.
And every boy in the room learned this is a possible response and will think four times before the next time he tries this.
I am beyond tired of that bullshit “It was just a joke” excuse! SMMFH!
As funny as it is to think about, most conservatives are infinitely more concerned about labels than other demographics in my experience. Almost the entirety of what i would consider to be “toxic conservatives” adhere very strictly and proudly to stereotypes. They work very hard to fit into the mainstream ideal of men…
I assume Olivia de Havilland was the biter.
Americans don’t believe in the American Dream because they’re the only people in a position to know from experience that the American Dream is a scam that rich people use to maintain a cheap labor force in the form of poor people.
I can’t count how many times I’ve pointed out to people that Breaking Bad could have ended after Episode 2 if Walt actually gave a shit about his family. It’s amazing how many fans completely missed the “I did it for me” part.
I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.