Anual Report

Cutting edge stuff. How are you still in the grays?

Theory: Behind every internet tough guy there is terrible parenting.

Every athlete in every sport embellishes things in order to get a call that is advantageous to his/her team. If you have a problem with that idea, at least you’re consistent.
Otherwise you’re letting narrative/peer pressure/optics interfere with consistency. Because the ‘most dives’ being referenced are the same thing

Yet it still exists.
And the question remains. Why do Americans find basketball flopping palletable, but not soccer flopping?

Why is it that Americans only hate diving and faking stuff to get a call in soccer?
This happens in basketball ALL the time.
This happens in football a ton of the time.
It happens in baseball and hockey to a lesser extent, because of the nature of those sports (not many judgment calls, and tough-guy mentality