
The world stops at the Jersey border.

If you only read half the sentence, then you have a great point!

“Oh my God” and “God is Great” are two very different phrases.

I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.

“You probably don’t ride, so you don’t understand the unquenchable urge that riding gives you to act like an entitled dickhead on the road.”

Yeah, because talking to people who were in the class with them means I have no clue what I’m talking about. And I’m also totally going to risk my career by indentifying myself to win an internet argument.

True, but what, are they worried that the mouse won’t look as good with a small charging port on the front? Because yeah, the iPhone’s charging port looks terrible. If they really wanted to not have a visible port, they should have made a wireless charging mousepad or something like that.

Why the fuck would anyone design a mouse with the recharger on the bottom rendering it totally fucking useless while its recharging? Does nobody at Apple bother actually testing the fucking devices now that Steve Jobs is dead? The first time someone lets their mouse battery get to 0% and then can’t do shit while they

If typing is “fun” then I think your version of fun is significan’t different than mine.

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for

I don’t blame them for his addiction, I blame them for capitalizing on it for ratings.

I’m not going to get into the nature of the whole Ono-vs-Lennon camp, but I will say this: Any time the living presume to speak for the dead, I have concerns.

I don’t care that Lennon may have been bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pansexual or asexual; what I care about is that was his concern to voice—not his

Right. Every immigrant pines for the American dream of getting drunk at work and suing someone for firing you. Way to make it happen.

Nobody says you’re a bad lawyer. You’re just scum. People like you are why foreigners laugh at the American legal system.

You said “It would be violating his medical privacy by stating he was drunk at practice”

Oh hogwash. Extremely wealthy universities don’t keep highly-skilled lawyers on retainer. That’s really expensive! You think USC got rich by throwing money at attorneys? Me, I always put my faith in the random internet commenter who claims to be a lawyer but admits he’s a total outsider to the case. Can’t lose.

Can *I* prove any of those things? Absolutely not. But I didn’t fire Steve Sarkisian. Seriously, man, try to keep up.

He’s not an attorney. Just a dude on the internet that can’t admit when he’s wrong... that or he’s Steve Sarkisian.

With all due respect: Fuck bikes