
I appreciate that you googled prior to placing a number. That’s responsible commenting sir.

^ another...

As a Cavs fan I now know what it’s like to be one of those countries watching their National Basketball team go against the United States.. congratulations to the Warriors. Appreciate the meltdown last year though.

I’d take game 7 against this team. I’d say the Cavs will have to be on their best to force a game 6 (maybe even 5) at this point.

While I appreciate the share. Doesn’t publicizing it encourage this behavior? I guess some things are just too good to NOT to share. Get that man some damn pizza wont you!

I thought the exact same thing. This dude is either a retired marine, mma fighter or just that stupid.

I honestly thought he had signed as a backup somewhere.

Really.... Its a sacrifice. sometimes it sucks. a lot of times is really fucking annoying and stupid hard, but yes. It is the most rewarding thing that I’ve ever done (I always make sure to say it this way to people). I’m not saying that it would be for you, but you may like mint chocolate ice cream, and I think it’s


Actually - Yes. the Kinks would be fixed “for free” This is in quotations, because the job has presumably paid for these types of fixes. Many people don’t understand that in a job this large both the contractor and designers would carry money to serve the owner in such a manner. Plus the building and probably every

First thing i thought of!

What is all this baseball coverage about? Go look at ESPN. Haven’t you heard???! The NFL draft is coming! Why not speculate about a bunch of soon-to-be millionaires who are good at the football and their future employers? This story about baseball has no place on a sports website. Get with it Lindsey! baseball...

Top Gear?


I am not sure when this was written, but it was posted at almost noon today... I don’t do your job, nor could I, but this reads like it was cribbed from Mike and Mike this morning. Now it may be worth noting that I only read on a 9th grade level, so that could also be the problem.

(It’s also worth noting that Jost is wrong in the most narrow sense: “white, rural, religious Americans,” ... largely only have the vaguest notion of what Tinder is, and wouldn’t have known about its new policy.)

Yeah. I’m a take the money guy myself when it comes to sports anyway. The ‘careers’ are just too short not to (especially in the NFL). Not that you care, but I do think it needs to be said that I’m not a Pats fan, but they are about as smart of a franchise that is out there - because of things like you just said about

preach dude. Joe Thomas may need to PLAY QB before the season is over.

I believe Manning did it in his latter career & Brees at one point as well. They are pretty decent QBs - no? I think Brady makes less annually than Andy Dalton (or did at one point). Read that last sentence carefully.