
You’re probably thinking of the Satanic Temple, if you mean the one in the news lately.

I’m obsessed with an idea of a reboot catching up with the Hills twenty years later. I know, funky timeline but whatevs. The problem is the loss of both Britney Murphy and Tom Petty, but you can gently explain they took over duties on the Platter Ranch in Montana.

He’s welcome to his own response and I don’t see a problem, he’s also terrible and responsible (at least partially) for a fake news alternate reality “Splinter” culture where losing a primary can only happen because of cheating and Democrats are the worst Hitler ever.

...but lives in Lakewood.

Cardi B is clearly an intelligent young woman who sometimes speaks in a colorful idiom that may or may not be related to her background, also says some things that are insightful and others that are rude and ignorant.

Hmm. Had anyone been able to remake a Verhoven or Carpenter movie without the satire and social commentary. Because it sorta becomes reactionary empty calorie garbage w/o it. (see: Robocop)

Don’t wanna be that EA ruined Bioware guy, might as well complain about Mulan sauce or whatevs. But yeesh.

Holy crap, I never even though of that.

BBeyond with mature, swol Terry and old-ass Bruce would be best.

LaKeith is a star. And no one will ever replace Tony Todd, but I look forward to who they cast as Cman.

He got absolutely bonkers near the end, not only a climate change denier but incredibly nasty and absurd. But I do love Sphere (the movie, the book was rather boring).

I’ll say this again.

ChooseCo guards their IP like motherfuckers. Can’t say I totally blame them, all you gotta do is not use the CYOA term explicitly and you’re good.

What does Gritty think about this?

Not going to read the comments. Obama is not perfect. Bernie is not the devil. But this article is some good shit.

Adding one: Don’t Look Now. That’s right.

I was over her but now I like her again.

Well-earned humblebrag. I salute your dedication to both procreation and completionism.

He is risen.