
All video games should come with an option to turn wolves into spiders and spiders into bears.

Good. I’d also like it if more games had an option not to kill wolves.

I kinda disagree with some of the lower down rankings, but anyone who puts their top three as Odyssey, Black Flag, then Origins is kewl in my book. Yes, Origins and Odyssey are bizarre departures into RPG-land and went to far trying to be all things to all people (especially Odyssey). I’ve also played every single AC

It’s weird how you have to make this into a party feud and his ‘complicated history’ is more about you guys trying to negate him for disagreeing with you about your problematic favs.

I didn’t understand it till I watched footage of that Belarussian emo kid singing about how life’s challenges made him stronger while playing the piano in a circle of exploding fire and it all clicked.

Eh, the show just feels stanky and up-it-own ass now.

Peter was not progressive, he was obsessed with Prussia and trying to (badly) copy their reforms, Catherine played sides against each other but was consistently influenced by enlightened values as opposed to Peter being simply fixated on Prussian centralization and militarism. ‘Right wing reactionaries’ is something

He also intentionally lost a war with Prussia and was an unpopular creep, that may have also had something to do with it.

Cool, she also voted against COVID relief when her district is one of the heaviest hit.

Reading that makes them sound infinitely stupider than I could have imagined...and I think they’re pretty stupid. Someone needs to have a talk with Grimes about how Quenya is not Latin.

Hold up, people think this episode was good? They think that tired Incel joke about this Betchel test was good? Jesus wept.

By the time you graduate college, every adult ever has read that book to you a million times, and all of them feel super-special and wise about it.

Mughal, Songhai, and Latin American in the Napoleonic period are my top three wanna-sees. Boxer Rebellion China is also appealing.

IDK, if they could get the depiction of Ottoman society right I doubt the Mughals would be an impossible hurdle.

Damn fine list, Jason.

So many various thoughts, my main one: can they pull this off? So far, it seems like they might.

More references connecting portals to Orbis.

She looks awesome. Also looks exactly my like my mom did in her thirties, so it’s weird.

Golden City mandala in the clinic waiting room.

Hi Splinter writers and board members! POCs and women have been systematically harassed since 2016 and lots have you willingly abetted in it because you’re willing to throw bodies under the bus because Bernie is daddy or whatever.