
A hot new game called Skyrim.

Nicholas Cage is out finest living actor, but to believe there’s a ‘process’ there is too hard to swallow.

I think this is important, even back with Rush in the Nineties there was always the excuse of “He’s over the top, but sometimes...”

I had a terrible roommate who spent every second of every day listening to Jones. He could care less if Jones made an incorrect prediction (which he did...somewhat often), or if he embarrassed himself repeating it with demented fury to every passer-by he met. At some point, you need to keep listening to someone like

It’s a good movie, yo. Looking back on many of the cheesy big studio movies from right before the mid-90's auteur boom, I realize how fun, shallow, and entertaining they were, as opposed to edgy, grimdark, and shallow afterwards.

I keep trying. Get better traction recc’ing Gravity’s Rainbow, at least that has a guy with a rocket dick.

I got in trouble on a web forum I like for trashing Bioware, and felt bad about it. I’m a regular, so I try not to shit where I eat and genuinely attempt to be positive, conciliatory, and not a troll.

C’mon you guys...Im so sick of the incivilty on BOTH SIDES! People wanna help those children I say you should let them...somebody needs to look into this guy. It’s a proven fact that Elon Musk is a scientific genius...he has a right to say those things. Y’know, Elon is a really cool guy...he’s friends with Rick and

It’s set in the Seventies, right?

Correction: Temple of Doom is the weakest of the *four*. No amount of Indy in a fridge can change that.

Having almost finished every goddam quest and being as sick of this game and clearing out pointless forts and collecting worthless items as I can be, I have to say...

It’s really doesn’t matter, it’s all canon-welding. Which is totally fun and fine, but no one really thinks Zelda about precise worldbuilding.

I love Polly.

Really late to the party, but isn’t this D&D inspires by Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun?

Too bad, I really like the style and retro design.

Planet Waves is NOT a bad album. Cheesy country yes, bad hell nah.

Finally, I’m validated.

It’s also a good game to help you work though your father issues.

I’m deep down the rabbit hole on this one, so I’m just going to ask:

This was my read too, but Carmen in all things is sweet, empathetic, and a little bit naive, I think she DOES love him, also knows who he is and wants to help him somehow. GLOW is good about complex/conflicting emotions.