
Jen’s the shooter right? It seems pretty obvious.

Ditto. I can’t even say how many time my gf and I have rewatched it. Pairs well with Dewey Cox!

You had me at ‘internal ramp’.

What? There are literally thousands of fantasy epics worth developing, and they’re working on remaking one of only ones that’s been already done right.

Love this guy. Seriously. Iron Bull can suck it, I took ‘ol Dready with me everywhere and spent more time sucking up to him than anyone else in any Bioware game. And y’know what? The moment I fired the game up and saw that egghead coming out of nowhere I thought “Oh shit, this guy is definitely the Dread Wolf

Still prepared to believe in ghosts at a moment’s notice, though these are all good, well-trodden explanations.

“Take away my access to hugging. I will probably start killing.” Scott Adams

I had a dream once about Black Widow where she learns she wasn’t the first Widow and follows her predecessor to America (specifically Texas) to learn why she escaped and expatriated. Still think it’s a good movie idea.

Fair statement, tho I think we can all say the expectations of the fanbase are also creating issues. R&M is great but it’s no American Dad. (Come at me, internet)

Heck yeah! Waiting to see if Frostfall gets fixed on consoles somehow, but concerned it won’t. Also, Tarshana is working on a big quest mod and Immersive Creatures might come out some day soonish. So, the waiting is killing me, but I’ve gone six years without going any further than the horn of Juergen Windcaller, so

I don’t know! The Dark Souls 3 DLC is annoyingly hard, and the Skyrim CC update borked Frostfall (an interesting story, btw, surprised it hasn’t been covered here). Waiting for Black Friday for either Shadow of War or Fallout. So I got nothing! Maybe replay me some Witcher.

Any protips on putting together a Steven Seagal costume, cuz I’m kinda obsessed now...

Tolkien would absolutely hate and condemn it, if for nothing else than it’s a video game. He’d condemn the movies too, and complain constantly about this ‘rap’ all the kids seem to be listening to.

People seem to be lukewarm in many ways on this game, but this article is as good an endorsement as I need. Uruk are frequently secretly fond of each other.

In a very off-the-mainline dimension somewhere, John Carpenter is president, and Donald Trump has dedicated his senior years to playing video games. That’s also the dimension where mankind is at war with giant psychic spiders, so you win some, you lose some.

How many guys do we know who do this? Three on my count, with one who does it EXACTLY like Cartman.

They had me at ‘Mulder is an imbecile’. But yeah, Skinner plus downplayed mythology.

I’m kind of disgusted with myself that I want to watch this now.

How can something so derivative be so insane? I always turned up my nose at this show, now I realize what I’ve been missing. Is Ryan Murphy secretly a producer?

Also, c’mon man, dogs!?