I’m sorry, I don’t understand that last little bit you said there. Looks like words, but it’s all gibberish to me.
I’m sorry, I don’t understand that last little bit you said there. Looks like words, but it’s all gibberish to me.
Also making my way to the end of a rushed and sometimes poorly designed but essentially Bioware video game.
I am a white man living in Los Angeles with my white girlfriend. Her parents live in Long Beach. Sometimes we take the train down to see her. It’s fine, sometime the train get a little skeezy. It’s fine.
This list is terrible. I don’t see Brattletoads, the Sexual Awakening of O, Bubsy: the Lost Levels, K Street & the Lobby Dawgs, Nightrage, OR Asia: the Only Official Video Game Licensed by the Band Asia. With that last one, make sure you get the right version, there were a lot of bootleg SNES games based around the…
Oh dear.
Just me, or was being a Stormcloak rebel a lot more fun in 2013. Now it just feels...I dunno...MASA.
“I come not to bring you peace but Maxine Waters.”
Played Witcher 3 all election, shoulda seen it coming. This weekend, Dark Souls, also appropriate.
You’re all gonna yell at me for this, but mods. For the Xbox.
I can’t even be 100% sure you’re not trolling us, but using this. Now.
I don’t have any backing on this, but I see the dude as a YUGE chocolate milk drinker. Somehow it just fits to me.
Why fatally flawed? Flawed, perhaps, in minor ways, third act fatigue, a wierd system of encountering enemines, and one of those door-guys had just one too many points on his body to memorize.
I pity you poor people who can’t understand the simple majesties of Gwent. Especially that same flute music that starts every time you play it, to the point where my girlfriend had to request I turn off the sound. I didn’t.
rpg elements. i’d be down.
If anyone remembers the No Man’s Land arc, it’s clearly implied the Commish has some idea who Bats is.
Familiar with a lot of these stories personally, wonder if some of the LA posters and I shop at the same store. Not much to add except that GameStop is endlessly depressing. I remember telling the guy at the Gamestop near my work that I wasn’t looking to buy a PS4, but wanted a price, and he lauches in to the whole…