
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.

Having seen a few episodes, now, I'd contend this is actually a great series for it. They're not using (from what I've watched so far) any super spiffy SFX for his radar sense. In fact, there are scenes where you could describe as "Matt listens" and just let the show's audio do the work.

No, it is not as cut and dry as you state.

I learned all of this as a result of ulcerative colitis!

Now playing

I... um...uh...I...uh... This is so god damn dumb all I can post is this

all of my pockets are now turned-out


"If I was working [at Microsoft or Sony] and had a big enough budget I could totally stop these attacks," another member of Lizard claimed. "I'd buy more bandwidth, some specific equipment, and configure it correctly. It's just about programming skill. With an attack of this scale it could go up to the millions. But

Yeah, totally ridiculous. Bonus: At least two of these were actually worn by women.

Not crazy about the aerodynamic restyling. To me, a big appeal of both the Rebels and the Empire's hardware was the kludgey, clunky design. Not a tapered edge in sight. Made it look more tactile somehow, like you could imagine what a lightsaber or an X-Wing control stick would actually feel like in your own hands.

"Why is the Federation never the dick?"

Also, Paddy Chayefsky's dystopian future of television news (frighteningly accurate prescience):

I think we should all be a little ashamed that this man was bullied to the point of public tears and humiliation for a poor sartorial choice. We live in a constant culture of offense, and I think we need to do a better job at discerning what's truly offensive and regressive and what's just silly.

This was the latter,

Here's one I made actually using Serif Gothic.

No, you're wrong. Jobs strength was bringing all the pieces together to form something greater than the sum of it's parts. It required extreme creativity, execution, leadership, and intelligence.

The true "heroes" of tech, are like Wozniak, who didn't care about money or titles, simply that they loved and had the knack and curiosity to do what they did, those like Jobs, may have had some kind of vision, but simply rode on the shoulders of the real giants.

Am I right?

"one weird trick"? please don't turn into buzzfeed