
I blame you.

Awesome to see members getting shown off on the site. As I mentioned in the other post, but it got lost, it seems people really liked the idea of showing others what they do. Maybe we can have a weekly post like that so everyone can be updated on the different ongoing projects members are working on and new people can

My company (and other competitors) are working on this.

The singularity (or rather, the event horizon thereof) is the point beyond which we can't make coherent predictions of the future, and it's already happened several times. We regularly make fun of the predictions of people behind previous event horizons; Asimov's nuclear cars, the predicted dirigible docks on

Ultimate Jessica Drew.
The best part of U. Spider-Man that isn't Spider-Man.

I just see a geothermal source of energy for the entire United States for hundreds of years. I can't wait until the test in Bend, OR are complete and we can start tapping things like this.

It is amazing that we still stay skeptical about these sorts of things. I know I have tried to explain my mental processes to "neuro-typical" folks and they look at me stunned.

Now playing

For some extra perspective, here's Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers discussing having ulcerative colitis.

It's cool but not the best cosplay costume ever.

Smart, with a can do attitute, Loyal, with a Swiss Army level of tools. What more could you ask for?


The sex scene in Watchmen, blargh.

Don't get the Dune picture. That was an outstanding movie from beginning to end.

Hmmmmmm. I thought we were supposed to assume that the Asari technically reproduce through parthenogenesis, and the whole "sex" thing was to stimulate that reproductive process, and to randomize their own DNA when creating an offspring rather than actually mixing alien DNA with their own. That's how they can bonk with

You know what would've likely helped resovled some of the concerns regarding misogyny and under-developed characters?

What's so unusual about that description? The writer is using his own frame of reference to describe other things, and perceives the world he observes through the lens of his culture and experience. It's no more biased than a modernUS textbook, in my opinion.

warning... warning.... nerd alert initiated.