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    you are still talking about what it can do, not what will be done with it.

    you are missing the point. It’s not that people got burnt, it’s that there is no real demand for it. It’s a gimmik like smell=o-vision, with limited application for a rare occasional use at a price point that doesn’t make it worth it for the majority of people.

    VR being amazing has skeptics, because many of us where here the first time VR was going to be amazing. It was a few decades back when cold fusion was just a decade away and was going to change the world.

    As I said elsewhere:

    as a fan of grandfather coyote, one of the tricksters who found a creative solution to the particular situation you call up, I’d venture the problem with your suggestion desguised with a question mark is that shoehorns an answer into the discussion like a piece from an entirely different puzzle used to fill a gap in a

    I just had a nasty squabble with a brother inlaw the other day about the elections. While he didn’t vote trump, he is part of the group happy that the people he has been worried will come take his guns away didn’t win the senate or house.

    As a man, I was raised better than to punch a woman. But also as a man even I wouldn’t be stupid enough to expect some social taboo against hitting me (disability, race etc...) to protect my ass enough for me to feel invulnerable enough to start physically attacking a pro-athlete. That’s a special kind of stupid.

    When somebody tells you the original character was a racist stereotype from a time when media didn’t even think it was in poor taste, and as it was a part of the origin story the industry chose to distance itself from that past, it might be of use to look into the role and maybe contemplate the question “oh, shit, is

    I think that’s the point. She’s saying that there really isn’t anything in movies to make her and people like her left out in the cold like those who are feeling under represented in the film industry.

    I suppose it depends on the delivery but it’s not like it’s all that confusing. Not a bridge, termite holding hands means the bridge is something like termite in some cheerleader formation like setup bridging the gap, with a bit of saw dust between them occasionally.

    I get where this is coming from, and yes being able to get my nerdy neice the chance to play without HAVING to give her source material with one gender sexualized while the other is just shown as strong would be nice.

    Maybe if we get somebody to post the intelligence briefings as twitter criticisms he’ll spend the entire day dealing with it.

    Fuck that noise! If you voted for Trumplestiltzkin because you wanted him to build a wall, or dismantle the first real attempt to address healthcare problems in this country, or to prosecute the Clintons. And you stood there with glee on your face when he won, thinking of all the mexicans, old and disabled and ...

    You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell”

    that version is visually how I will always see the story of Dune in my mind. Artistically it was a masterpiece.

    I could let the casting go, even if the Major name trips me up a little, the rest of it looked good right up until she’s the first of her kind and she’s trying to remember who she is only to be told her old life was taken from her. Sigh.

    It’s a valid evolutionary strategy, keep creating successive models until one can persist against the struggles and trials that thin out the failures.

    1) DDoS doesn’t make one a hacker anymore than a hammer makes one a carpenter

    Your issue is that the person in the audience who was the only one asking an important question wasn’t loud and obnoxious enough about doing it, but instead lays out the fact that we have environmental issues to address while acknowledging that there are jobs and economy ramifications to making significant changes in

    if we get to range a bit further: