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    Rey Fett and Finn Calrissian

    Actually in the book she references that Frankenstien uses abandoned ‘sciences’ that are seen as outdated. Naming Magnus, Agripa, and Paracelsus as things he studied. These three are historically known as some of the greatest alchemists.

    for me science fiction is first and foremost Fiction. It’s a story above all else. The science aspect of it isn’t in my mind referring to some edicts or laws laid out in the scientific journals, but instead utilizes the processes of scientific inquiry. Have an overarching question, define the context and terms,

    I’d like to see speculation on the future of the new opiate of the masses, TV.

    sure , Right now I’m lifting a tasty potato chip to my mouth. MMMM potato chips.

    Do you even have or wear/carry a tophot and cane? So for all you know these units exist in every diner you’ve been in and you’ve just never known it because you’ve never given it’s opportunity to do it’s job.

    Depends on how you do it. There is nothing wrong with replacing things in some cases, it just means we become more conscious of the fact that we where cluttered with things that we were not buying consciously or using with sustainability and functionality in mind. Replacing those things in the long run is important

    whereas the other end of things ends you up with mounds of things you have to pick a path around to get to bed or the toilet because “I can use that.”

    this surprises you in some way. I don’t even go to black fridays sales (unless I’m hiding treats in my coat and I stand in line with nothing to buy to hand treats to cashiers who should be home at 2am) but even I know that there will only be three of those 5 dollar waffle irons, or seven 9 dollar hair straightener, or

    funny you should mention the thousand kingdoms one. I saw it and one of the sequels at the thrift shop yesterday. Not sure it’s in my tastes if it half as much an erotica book as you make it sound but meh, what the heck I’ll give it a shot.

    what are the little aliens made of?

    “We asked Henry Cavill which iconic female comic book character makes the best accessory to be owned by superman and he talked about the two characters that have been his lovers in the comic books for the last few decades as nothing more than accessories to superman and seems focussed on physical relationships.”

    I’ve started a couple youtube channel projects. It’s my first time shooting video, editing video, and posting video online. It’s at least partly an experiment in learning, partly created for me, and partly for anybody else to find inspiration for their own creative side.

    or somebody who wishes to to intentionally run somebody elses ship aground, or a viking longship being chased by a deeper hulled ship figure owhere the shoals are shallow enough to catch your persuer but deep enough for your boat to pass.

    always wanted to make some ofthis and set it in the end of a knarled wooden wizards staff.

    Basket trick- great for escaping pursuits in the market place... or getting out of a jail cell.

    they are not bathing suits. early comic book costumes for all genders were designed after circus performers leotards, invented by Jules Leotard in the mid 1800s.

    Lol, people are acting like this is confusing. I’m sure I’m not the only one who does just this sort of thing from time to time. I’m working on so many projects or hobbies that to outsiders that want to talk about or participate with me see it as a confused jumble and mess they don’t want to get entangled in and bound

    I suppose I’ve just gotten used to it but I haven’t considered 6’2” tall for a while. I mean year hitting 6’ tall around freshman year of highschool made me feel like a freak for being that much taller than anybody else and made me a target for anybody with a napolean complex, but about half the class managed to catch