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    I still say that if amazon wants to clearance things then have a clearance section. If they want to create sales like a second black friday, they should use the data gathering they use that tells you what others who liked such and such also looked at... and instead make a list of the most wishlisted items and similar

    Honestly I felt like it was a needle in a haystack game trying to find anything I might be interested in. I also found it quite amusing that all the tech stuff was sold out right away. What I would rather, is if Amazon did more widescale sales and I can go to my wishlist and my when I can afford it list, see which

    Honestly I felt like it was a needle in a haystack game trying to find anything I might be interested in. I also

    the breal question is whether you left it unlocked when you left it here.

    Now playing

    don’t know for sure, haven’t tried it yet, but:

    “I tend to assume the people reading these reviews are actually adults, not kids.”

    Sorry you’re butt hurt that I have knowledge on a topic your apparently don’t and feel the need to dismiss my knowledge and concerns when I find links to support and explain to you about them and illustrate why the doctors failing to address the topic to a patient with a condition is a problem. Health condition for

    Commercial farming. I plan to have a permaculture food forrest that will provide me with enough to eat through the year, a surplus to be able to dry can or freeze, and enough left over to reseed from as well as seed a new property each year.

    aim for the squishy blood filled pieces somewhere in the middle. They are like christmas tree lights. you take those out and the rest of the systems go out too.

    I’ve seen enough anime to know where this is going.

    so he’s rewriting the golden compass. okay.

    or maybe produce the milk and make it into dried milk, and dried dairy products (like cheeses) and stock it against lean time... or blasphemy of blasphemies send it to countries as a food staple during natural disasters and refugee crisis or famine.

    I’m mildly dislexic and participate in maker faires from time to time (which spells it faire) so I can’t you if their is some spelling convention variances in that word or not. I can tell you that Face-Fairing is quoted from the original article and aside from xenomorphs I’m going to assume not many extraterrestrials

    “But it’s fair to say that an overly belligerent, anti-social species, no matter how intelligent or physically adept, is not likely to advance to a post-industrial, face-fairing stage.

    This is why scientific progress is not a democratic process and never should be.

    I guess that’s sort of what I got from some of the article, but there were parts that seemed like it was the complete opposite as if it was by ‘the other side’.

    Didn’t know there was a big to-do going on. Was not sure what it was about. Read all this... still not sure what’s going on.

    I find it difficult to find people who will sit still long enough in a location without blinking lights and sounds to play board games. I’ve a rather substantial collection of unusual board games and have even been thinking about doing a board game review and play portion to a Youtube show I’ve been thinking about

    I’m a bit picky in my cyberpunk style choices. I favor SnowCrash, Ghost in the Shell, and Bladerunner. Neuromancer was fairly okay for me. The setting was right, and even the characters were right, the story just seemed to break in the middle for me. And I know sin of sin I didn’t care for Akira.

    If you’re bold you can rig a spot welder from a disassembled microwave and some heavy duty line (and a varriac), if you’re nuts you could rig two of them into and arc welding rig.