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    We feel that this is completely out of sync with the traditions of our state and our nation...”

    it has just occured to me that I might be able to watch TV without watching TV. Now if only I didn't find TV completely boring. Wish discovery still showed things worth discovering, and science channel still had science. sigh. oh well.

    or a radio play, or brail novels, or texture based 'graphic novels'. there are more than one way to do these things you know.

    I also have to wonder if maybe daredevil is the worst hero for the visually impaired. The thing is he's not so much blind as he has a different format of seeing. and in every presentation of it I've encountered the way in which that is demonstrated is usually a greater degree of visual effect.

    I had no idea this existed. Makes sense and of course it should exist, but I would have chalked it up there with sight seeing as something that would 'translate' poorly. I would have assumed that it would be better to create an exclusive non-visual medium for a daredevil series. But I can understand it's also about

    the book was a huge disappointment. rest assured you have made the right choice and don't need to read it. enjoy the movie, maybe see if you can track down a script for it to read if you feel you wish to read rather than watch and hear it.

    it's one of my guilty pleasures. don't meet many with an apreciation for it.

    so the video suggests a titanium, and carborundum (rare natural mineral moissanite), combination. I could imagine some variation of the kroll process for the refinement of titanium, and the roughness of the process and alloying with the moissanite might result in a ‘damascus’ like patterning.

    does this mean there is hope for pluto?

    do they by chance form small rings in certain areas and those exposed to the toxin drift into a hallucinating suspended animation for about a century? These seem rather Goodfellows and Fungis

    it sounds weird to even have to ask this, but how does one put pants on a turtle? I'm pretty sure even assless chaps would be impossible because you still have to get some kind of waist band either over or through the shell, neither of those would work particularly well.

    they do show a problem with the dogs around 8:10 right after we first see an issue with the flowers.

    looks like those time lapse videos of mold growing

    what size house, age car ect would you recommend for $11450 yearly income for a single person in northern new england?

    is this for a couple? Not that it really matters that much in my case. I'm around 1/4 of the minimum for my state.

    They don’t want you to get a note, that’s why they make the unreasonable request. They want to build a file of reason they can let you go so that the moment it becomes inconveniant to keep you they can simply point to your unreliability as an employee and trade you in for a new poli-sci major living at home with mom

    also important is what an induction stove can do to nearby electronics. I would love a inductions because of the ability to dial in a very tight temperature control ad their low energy use and easy cleaning. But the wear and tear it would put on a smart phone in the cooks pocket or a tablet used to get the recipe or a

    Look I hate the over use and capitalistic pharma industry as much as the next person. Maybe more because some drugs F-ed me up pretty bad, when they didn't need to be perscribed in the first place.

    I've not watched either show, I might like them or not, but the desire to get invested in it isn't really there. But this has me seriously reconsidering.

    if memory serves, complete combustion at high enough temperatures. expanded polystyrene becomes co2 and water vapor. I'm pretty sure molten alumin(i)um hits temperatures high enough to completely convert the styrofoam.