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    now I'm not so much caring about the rest of it but the opening crystal dome top is something I turely deeply want... and I don't even wear jewelry.

    do your ears hang low? do they wobble to and fro?

    yeah I don't much care for the Romulan words from 1990s comic books to be alertnative pronouns.

    if a person prefers that they are to be referred to in the singular by the use of 'they' then what harm does it do to oblige them?

    Surprised nobody asked if the Pinot Grigio made from real peanuts.

    I need a pair of those pants.

    that's great and all but generally speaking I don't think most people play it as an investment strategy.

    I don't know that people in the US actually hate the french, I think it's more they dislike the french 'brand'.

    seriously no other animal in the animals queendom cooks their food. just stop it, you're being weird.

    I would really appreciate it if the film industry would stop using that high pitched electric whine noise. It F-ing hurts.

    Not to be a jerk about it but this thing is so absolutely simple in design that I can't help but feel this barely qualifies as devices or scientific equipment. So a part of me has to ask: what the heck kind of pricetag are they putting on things which this takes the place of?

    don't care what it is. I want one.

    some types of mushrooms eat some types of wood. Some even produce food, and improve soil quality.

    I was a transformers kid, my little sister was a Gobots kid. History will look back on us and see great significance in those choices.

    why are we pretending our appliances have gonads at all?

    This sort of irresposible use of radiation just makes me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

    one tab over on my browser are my courses on coursera.

    I know a few home schoolers who could tell you it's arrived.

    Isn't slipstream a form of transwarp technology that Voyager explored?