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    it really wouldn't have been all that hard to put him in a heman costume in saphire color with the star emblem in place of hemans iron cross.

    I've got a cordless and a corded version of the the matrix/bolt on tool system. It's a tool that is basically a power drill base with a front end that you can swap out for a trim saw, reciprocating saw, oscillating tool, router, sander, jig saw, hammer drill, , airpump/tire inflator, and they recently added hedge

    The thing that seems to make this work for me more than others who say something similar is that often times some of that other advice doesn't make sense under my native conditions.

    how does creating something out of an empty jug equal changing something into something else? You have to have something to change first. glass into steel, water into wine, lead into gold. That is transmutation. making acid appear out of nowhere is not transmutation. it's manifestation or summoning from another

    I know it's fantasy and just a game but what the heck is alchemical about this? This is a magical jug sure. Alchemy isn't just another mysterious word for magical though. Alchemy is the technique of transmutation of on thing into another through altering it's balances by influence of other things. It's based on the

    if I remember correctly Niven majored in mathmatics at one point. He does often include some great hard science concepts in his stories. Been a fan of his for almost half my life ever since reading integral trees, and then finding N-space and playgrounds of the mind (collections of short stories and anecdotes as well

    wonder what their tow weight is? I'm not planning to do a loft bed in my first design for mine a ladder in the middle of the night for a bathroom run , sounds to much like the sort of thing that makes you not able to live anywhere but your mums house until the bones mend and the stitches are out.

    Science- Fiction. aka stories into which some scientific ideas are placed. Story comes first. Sounds more like you are looking for something more Documentary.

    Star Wars: The Dark Alchemist

    this looks like a baleen type whale not a sperm whale.

    nobody is asking you to be. What are you, one of those people who is binary about things like this? Run screaming or don't give a shit? Being aware of something and respecting it as a risk factor do not require panic.

    some of my all time favorites

    You know a quality movie when you can read the back of it and try to imagine the story, and anything you imagine is still terrible but way better than the movie they shot.

    any company that builds a device like that without a kill switch demonstrates a serious error in judgment. The whole situation is all because of Synteks Error.

    I made my own sabacc deck and played a bit some years back with other star wars geeks. sorta a fun addictive game with two pots to bet into and played with the equivalent of a starwars tarot deck. There's a random shift of cards unless you lock certain ones down.

    considering the lack of refrigeration I'd say cultured dairy and butter are likely the things they ate most. and most cultured dairy has strains in it that break down the lactose. Yoghurts, cheeses, and butters may well have been fairly tolerable to adults, because remember human children consume human milk which is

    It's the belief (false) that I'm not meant to be a cashier for a company whose owner will never know my name as he sips champaigne on his private jet after a big trade deal.

    what kind of outfits are you going to dress them in? :P

    I think for me the facts suggest that magic is just used entirely too much. Magic is the last trick up your sleeve. There shouldn't be enough magic in a stand alone novel that one has to devise a whole system around it.

    whelp, one more thing to add to my 'make' list of props. anybody know if all six sides have images, and if there was any motion or effects?