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    HOAs can get bent. they are a blight on the population of this country. They are absolutely everywhere and the thing that pisses me off is: if you can just afford your first house it is pretty much a given that you will be beholden to these 'organizations' and told what duties you must perform on your property and

    I've known a few people who got good cars for the cost of a happymeal because of 'Divorce'. Think about it. Jointly owned things that an ex gets half of the sales price for. There are enough people willing to take a slight loss to say F U to an ex trying to pad their wallet with the spoils of their relationship, and

    No no no, get an egg slicer, slice, rotate 90 degrees, slice again, rotate at a right angle to the first rotation plane 90 degrees, slice again. and mix with your dressing and a knife.

    right, time to start stocking up on canned goods and dried food stuff. Then check amazon for biological gear to wear.

    the spanish flu of 1918-1920 killed between 3 and 6 % of the world population, it had a mortality rate of about 20% and world travel was not as easy as it is today. This strain of Ebola has mortality rates at roughly 60%, world travel is so much easier that you could become a carrier for this and be anywhere else in

    Nanotech will depend heavily on signal transmition ranges, positional relation signaling, and surface area.

    Not seen it, don't know for sure, but lets be honest here: You'd watch the hell out of a doctor strange movie, and that would Require more metaphysical psuedoscience than this movie could hope to create.

    All these people talking about how the earth will just shrug it's way through and adapt as it always has.

    I look at these sites and find myself wondering if I'm the only one who thinks arcologies. With such steep sides all you'd need is elevators and run a trolly car system down the spiral roadway at a few select levels. around the top areas hydroponic gardens and all the way down gardens in the inside facing edges.

    tiny house... come on I can't be the only one who sees the potential for building a complete interior and just sliding them into an exterior shell and filling the void between with insulation.

    Net jockeys get your decks ready cyberpunk city is calling.

    Are we in our bodies, of our bodies or do we exist seperate from our bodies? Can we replace every part of my body with cloned tissues and have it still be me or will some point come along where we have only a clone that thinks it's me. This question become more important as we talk about augmenting the brain and

    $20, If you ever think you will need to borrow from me again make sure it's paid back. I'm willing to lose $20 to be friendly and helpful to most people. If I do lose that much it doesn't change my opinion of you for the negative it just means you can't borrow from me again until it's paid back.

    What do you mean could?

    not sure I'm really nit picking here or just curious bout this. Does anybody else notice that while it is a bit of a change it's all still mostly white. And more interesting is the fact that the non-white are men and black. Where's the First Nations member, or the Filipino. Maybe a Vietnames or Mongolian. Why is

    a bit too abstract for me.

    go to your goodwill, go directly to one of two sections - romance, or reference. Grab a hard bound book with a dust jacket that when removed gived you almost no indication what the book is. Or grab a Guiness book of world records or dictionary. The universe is absolutely lousy with masses of these things and they are

    honestly at this point I want to see all of the classics just retired. These characters are so old that there are very few people outside of nursing homes who remember their origin stories. Putting somebody more young and 'hip' in the costume and having them fill that role is the comic book version of the economic