Kizone Kaprow

Not a big fan of utopian environmentalists, but I'm going to make an exception this one time. And she really can act and write. That's all that matters.

"Gorgeous?" I'd hate to see your apartment if "dirt, mud, shit, snot, and blood" are your ideas of beauty.

Fargo ran out of gas by the fifth episode and now it's running on fumes…in slow motion. The full-of-holes plot is sloppy even by television standards. The "comedy" blends with the "drama" like oil and water. Characters die just for the hell of it. This is "genius" TV.

"multiple threads of people calling others stupid for not agreeing with them"

It never came in Middle Ear— I mean Medieva— I mean whatever planet these alt-Vikings live on.

Dragons? Do something? I'm still waiting for frikkin' winter to come as promised and you're belly-aching about those lazy dragons?

I totally believe everything written here! Maaan, Comcast totally sucks!
Hey, what is this place anyway? A kind of Wailing Wall for video shut-ins? An internet gossip site? A place for narcissists to blow off some steam? Cool! And that Sam Barsanti — what a writer! I laughed and laughed. All that wit and sarcasm…from

"I don't even know what a "Politico comment section" is or what that reference is supposed to mean."

"This is sleight of hand that works much better in the middle of the binge, rather than a few hours later, when contemplating whether the plot made any sense."