
Why would buy an ouya for that when you can already do all of that on something as lousy as a chrome book?

Yakuza kinda sucks, sorry.
It's just super lame compared to GTA V, and I cannot play it anymore.

yeah, and if it is more than $5 I'm not buying it.

Well, plastic surgery is a very wonderful thing for the people who NEED it.

That's because the US is filled with idiots.

ha ha ha HA!

Well, you know... sometimes people see putting a dangerous toxin like botulinum in your face for absolutely no reason as a bad thing.


well, if Sony did do this it would make the PS3 $299, so I can understand the love.

nothing wrong with Xbone.

well, it makes good sense from the standpoint of getting their DRM back on track.

not when they are 5400rpm they don't.

Cool, well... I will probably have to pick one of these up in about 4 or 5 years when the price gets down to a reasonable $299. And, only if I can get a controller with integrated batteries. I'm just not dishing out for another console that uses AA.

Ha Ha Ha!

good for them

It's not more acceptable. He's just saying that it is futile and he would probably rather read something related to his hobby of video gaming, rather than a rant by a developer who most gamers largely could not give a shit about.

that's not always the case.

One should always be polite to anyone who is polite back, but if a developer hands you something like Dragon Age 2, you have every right to shit down their throat.

You can threaten to not buy a game all day long.

4th, next time they'll just pirate the developer instead of paying!