
I think this is only problem if we're assuming that Acosta has any interest in Maino. If she doesn't than who gives a fuck what he thinks or says.

that was awesome and very funny. it really is a sucky /embarrassing issue. i used to get the hemmies real bad. when i switched to a vegetarian diet everything got better. and it's rarely an issue anymore. not saying anything about veggies vs. meat, but the change forced me to eat more fibrous foods - beans, fruit,

@Penny: Yup, definitely happened to me. Ended up in a hotel room. I don't want to call it date rape, but I went home with one guy, but woke up in his roommate's bed. Definitely felt taken advantage of. :/ Ashamed and guilty are not how I like to feel when I wake up.

@babzie: That's the part that always gets me, when some people say, well she was drunk and so she was asking for it. Like wait a second, so the male brain was just like yeah, she's passed out, now I can rape her. Like what?!

@vamvaki_poulaki: this really makes me think that this thin obsession is completely made-up by fashion/trend industries. real people are used to seeing all sorts of real body shapes!

i wonder if james even gave bullock the opportunity to "do anything"? a lot of times people don't even share what they really want with their partner and then they just go screw somebody else doing all sorts of crazy shit because they don't care about that person, so they don't care if the person doesn't really like

i love how their tails are wagging, fun times!

@MewMaw: thank you as this supports my desire to never have children. occasionally i waver on this and wonder if i'm making the wrong decision because i see "parenting" everywhere! but then someone comes by and puts it eloquently, and i know that my decision is the right one.

@anabacus: Yes! I LOVED this song/video. 1-2-3-4 can suck it.

i'm so very glad i've never heard of this guy. reminds me to keep reading/watching the Times.

someone get me an IT man! lol

completely confirms that Ann Coulter does not know what a hate crime is.

aahhhhh all i can do is scream RHUBARB right now. RHUBARB! RHUBARB! RHUBARB! people come on

i wonder if these minority women, who feel that the mural is perpetuating stereotypes, feel this way because there isn't a mural or billboard or whatever depicting the minority professional woman (in a suit, or in mom pants or with no make-up, etc. etc.)

wow i was just working on a blog post about this. i think he may also have come to this conclusion, because the media portrays more women expressing themselves online via twitter or blogs or other social media. (this was the plot of last week's house. and has come up in other shows/movies.)

hmm can we continue this list? maybe there's something to be said about a life accomplished alone?

no doubt that gabby is awesome. but this made me like gerard butler a lot too. when she left, he easily could've said something jerky.

it definitely looks like he was trying to move fashion into a more structured, high class, elegance. subdued theatrics becoming regal works of art. what he accomplished in this collection is quite stunning. these are dresses for a modern queen, princess. with such distinct style that they're surely be in museums and

Does Gabby even want to be a Hollywood actress? I know she got the Precious gig on a whim - she just decided to audition. Is she studying / planning on being an actress or is this more of a one-time, plus things here and there, kind of deal?

heidi! the fastest way to looking cheap is short, tight and shiny. tsk tsk tsk