
Um, $2 million doesn't buy you a mansion in the Hollywood Hills. It buys you a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house.

Jezebel fighting gender inequality by mocking those who defy gender norms. Feminism in action right here. Wasn't there just an article about the NFL not taking female fans seriously, but yeah this is totally fair to make fun of these guys.....

It's true, it's a great idea. I've always wanted to move into my ex girlfriends house, so I park outside every night. Y'know, to see how it looks...

I made it out of college completely debt free through multiple jobs, commuting from home, taking time quarters off when I couldn't afford them, and receiving scholarships. It's called hard work and sacrifice. These "millennial" pieces are really starting to get boring. But maybe that's because they mostly apply to

Blame the games industry all you want but this happens everywhere, it's not isolated.