
Welling is looking old (at least for 40)

Too much. Only millionaires and broke people can afford cars like this. For the rest of us, we’ll have to make due with $6k used cars.

Absolutely terrible. No physical buttons so the driver needs to take his eyes off the road. No gauge cluster, so the driver needs to take his eyes off the road to check his speed. Insurance for these will be crazy since I’m expecting 50% of the owners to wreck their cars.

It’s cheap and easy to clean it when you take advantage of undocumented immigrants.

The income inequality in our society is disgusting.

Sorry but AIDS isn’t that much of a risk if you aren’t a gay man or a intravenous drug user. I’d worry more about the herps.

The child is fine. Yes the child is an American citizen, that’s why ICE agents escorted them to the hospital. Also probably why they haven’t been deported, all of their children are Americans.

Well they aren’t deported yet. So that’s something. But they are on ICE’s radar. Hopefully they can make it through the legal channels to be legal residents.

He wasn’t fired for his views, he was fired because it’s bad PR to keep him on. If his memo was never leaked to the public, then he’d still be working there.

So you’re shaming him based on his looks? Really? Shame him on his views, but don’t body shame.

His name is James. The author of this “article” is calling him Chad to be “edgy”.

So you are talking technicians, software developers aren’t technicians. Way too many people think they are the same thing, but it’s a completely different job that requires a different skill set. Certifications don’t matter; I don’t know of any reputable ones that aren’t project management related tbh, and all this

Yeah, my guess is their claims don’t have much ground. If they did there’s no reason this ambulance chaser wouldn’t include them in the lawsuit. It would just be more money for him.

millennials are to blame. Fucking millennials...

Yes, it’s entirely possible to learn everything you would learn from a comp sci degree on your own. It’s not very common though. Hence why I would scrutinize their application. I’ve interviewed people that didn’t have impressive credentials, most aren’t impressive in person (though I’ve also interviewed people with

Do you really think there would be stats on visible minorities being racist? Please, that doesn’t push the PC agenda that white men are monsters.

Wow, that’s sad. I feel bad for anyone that gets duped by these people. Hopefully they don’t get discouraged and go on to learn more. But most likely they think they can’t get a job because of discrimination.

It really depends on the job I’m hiring for. For a frontend or UI developer I’m more likely to consider a applicant with limited technical experience if their other professional experience will bring something to the job. For instance, if they were a graphics designer before changing careers.

No, I probably wouldn’t hire a male coder without a degree if they didn’t have lots of experience either. I would scrutinize any applicant that didn’t finish a comp sci or engineering degree. Mostly to make sure they have the theoretical background to make the right design decisions.

My issue is that 12 weeks isn’t a lot of time to teach the skills required to be a good software developer (I don’t use the term engineer because unless you have a engineering degree you’re not an engineer).