
Unless you live in Canada, where games are $80. Keep in mind that $60 USD is $73 CAD, take that as you will...

Oh, the story is bullshit. It sounds like a 12 year old wrote it. Including the part about “This time Nissan decides to send their five best lawyers”, reads like fiction.

I’d buy it and then make the previous owner watch as I had it crushed.

It’s a dumb idea if you aren’t making $200k+ a year.

There’s a reason these updates are free. They make their money selling Shark Cards to buy the new stuff.

If they were superiour human beings they wouldn’t be in this situation

Thanks for proving that you are a moronic shitstain. Flagged.

Would you be cool with victims robbing you during a natural disaster? Probably not.

Buildings usually have big windows in them as well. Guess those make locks useless as well? Locks are just deterrents, if someone wants to get into your house a lock won’t stop them.

If it helps, I’m white as a ghost and can’t stand my co-workers talking about their lives. Like “Go back to your cubicle Steve, no one wants to hear about your new microbrew.”

Freedom of expression is fine, if you aren’t a nazi. I wouldn’t shed a tear if these scumbags were executed in the streets.

He’s looking familiar. Hmmm...

That’s the whitest thing I’ve ever read. And I’m fucking translucent.

That’s crack and meth right there.

There’s no problem money can’t solve.

The WiiU was also abandoned half way through it’s original lifecycle. Nintendo realized they couldn’t dig themselves out of the hole they made. And it looks like they are about to make the same mistakes with the Switch. As much as I like Nintendo games, there’s no way it’s worth paying 350-400 for a system to play

Doubt it. The WiiU barely lasted 4 years. The 3DS saw a price drop after less than a year.

waiting for the 50% price drop in less than 6 months

that’s there so the passenger can’t mess with the radio. Fuck people, the driver picks the station...

No one in his position would be. Only an insane and obsessed person would do what he’s done.