
Agreed. Love this shifter.

Don’t forget makeup

You need to spend that money to dispenser freedom to the heathen masses.

So don’t buy shit if you visit it. Been there twice, still enjoyed both times.

It would cost at least 10k

That’s suspicious as fuck. Probably a serial killer.

Taxes. Lots and lots of taxes. I live in Canada, and I pay 50% of what I earn to the government.

Courts heavily favour women. Like in divorces where the wife gets 90% of the familial assets.


I already did one, wasn’t as gross as I hoped. I’m now disappointed...

It doesn’t help that a terrorist killed 12 people in the last couple of days.

people were racist long before Trump buddy...

Correct. Just like there are several dark force users, but only 2 Sith. Using the force, or following a certain ideology does not make someone a Jedi or Sith.

Sure, and let’s boycott AA too, because they kicked someone off for writing math equations. Apparently MWB (math while brown) == terrorist.

Probably the latter. Coders in SF barely make more than coders in a LCOL area.

Does this only work if you live in the US, or does this work with the Canadian PS4 store?

Does this only work if you live in the US, or does this work with the Canadian PS4 store?

Yeah, let’s just ignore the evidence that the Dem leadership rigged the nomination so Clinton would win.

You could start a civil war. You’ll need to unless you want to fight with Russia against NATO in the coming world war.

Not once the Trump US government is on their side. US/Russia vs NATO would be a bloody war.