I'm actually ok with all of this. Plus a yearly shooting exam. Practical shooting is a important part of gun training.
I'm actually ok with all of this. Plus a yearly shooting exam. Practical shooting is a important part of gun training.
Was this accident because of a fault with the gun, or a fault with the person holding it? Chances are the gun didn't "suck", it probably functioned correctly. Why was it loaded, a round chambered, and not set to safe?
How? Because some dumbass kills herself because she doesn't know how to use her weapon? Because some other dumbass kill someone with a gun? The ones at fault here aren't the guns, it's the dumbasses using them.
People suck. Guns don't have intentions, they are inanimate objects.
Jesus. No one should own a weapon if they don't know how to safely handle it. A gun safety course should be mandatory before you can buy a gun.
As a guy walking alone I've gotten guys yelling that at me. Though it's usually really young guys with like 9 guys in one car.
That's some comedy gold right there!!
Of course they won't. They will try to silence this guy. Bros before hoes, amiright? (btw, I hate that statement)
You're a dude, therefore you have no opinion. If you have a girlfriend that gets catcalled you get half a vote.
Guaranteed they will combine them. Threaten to kill him after they rape his girlfriend.
Maybe its because hes a horrible actor?
He probably doesnt have a girlfriend. And is being a try hard (comes off as boring unfortunately)
Is Rob Lowe as fun in real life as he looks?
That's so meta....
You gotta stop fucking guys that are bad in bed. Never understand why a woman would want to be with a guy that can only last 3 minutes either. Kick those chumps out of bed and find a real man.
How is that even possible? You really have to go out of your way to never read a book.
I couldn't make it further than the third paragraph. Fuck this kid.
Maybe not on a $400 netbook, but definitely on a used $400 laptop.
I'd like to get laid sometime in the near future so must resist.