
Even average looking women have an entitled personality, especially if they are thin. When you say nice guy should settle for "average" women you really mean they should settle for below average women.

Why do people care so much about graphics? It's not like it's 1,000,000x better on PC, it's 1.5x better. Mods are the bigger draw, graphics is just a dick measuring contest that doesn't really matter. But whatever, do your "master race" shit if it makes you feel like a man, lol.

I'm not sure they should use James Franco as an example. The guy's crazy. No sleep might explain his insanity, haha.

Lots of successful people don't sleep much. It's not healthy but meh.

Nope, 4k itself isn't to blame. Just current 4k tvs aren't the best for playing games because of the lag (doesn't matter much for video). This won't be an issue in a few years though. Hopefully by then we'll have lots of 4k content, I'll consider getting one then.

Which is fine as long as the scaling tech they use on the tv is good. The current generation has too much lag scaling 1080p content to 4k.

It's ok. You don't get it because you are probably too intelligent. Gotta kill more than a few brain cells to get that headline.

Mods is the biggest thing out of all that. I don't care about 4k yet. In 5 years maybe I'll feel differently, when there will be content for 4k tvs. For now I'm fine with the PS4 version.

Sure but then you need a $700 graphics card to get the most out of it. I'll go spend that $700 on booze and women.

Most people can't tell the difference. Fps stability is more important than max fps. Anything above 24 fps is good.

Time to dig up dirt on Aston Kutcher. New twitter initiative, #takedownashtonkutcher

What's on Jan 27th?

Yeah, that's likely what will happen.

Work to replace one of those managers. Your goal in any job should be to take your boss's job in 2-3 years.

You mean your wife has left you because you play WoW yet? Patient woman...

No fraternizing at work. Do your job, no chit chat. No meeting upside the workplace, otherwise you'll be fired for suspicion of trying to form a union. No discussing your pay, bonuses (or lack thereof), or get fired. Now get back to work peasants.

Isn't that Michael, not Trevor?

I think they treat the weed as a joke. And yes, I assume that the developers have done drugs (at least weed, coke, and mdma).

Sriracha isn't a condiment, it's a ingredient.