
Please, we all know you loved the homoerotic beach volleyball....

We dont all live in the US. 2008 wasnt even a blip on the radar for me.

DA FUCK?!?!?!?!

I guess. Guess that makes me a creep then. Just another thing I'm not allowed to do then.

Yeah that would be nice. I'd pay a little more for a slightly larger seat. Unfortunately it's moving in the opposite direction. Why make the seat bigger when you can make them smaller AND increase ticket prizes. After all, these companies have to show growth to their investors.

Everyday is Treat Myself day. No wife/kids. BOOM!!

I'm a guy, so if she's cute enough it makes up for any annoyance. I guess.

Very large people could buy two seats if they can't fit into one. But I guess you're right, other people should be made uncomfortable just so a large person doesn't have to spend more money.

They either didn't or got them to sign after. My guess is they didn't.

I'd rather be next to the chatty 120 lb girl than the 350 lb overweight man (which seems to be common when travelling within the US). All in all it was ok, made a new friend.

Yup, I can verify this. In my case I drove her to her apartment (it was on my way). Worked like a charm.

Nope, he's just a PUA "AMOG'ing" that other guy.

He wasn't trying to help her. None of these guys were. Sorry to spoil the point of the video for you.

I'm glad this review came out. I was going to buy this, now I'm not.

What's sad is what happened on a flight I took a few months ago. A drunk girl in her early twenties sits next to me. She's visibly drunk but isn't throwing up or anything. She's pretty chatty (which I don't mind), and for most of the flight we talk and watch a movie on my tablet. You could tell everyone else on the

Most people in this situation would just be glad that she isn't their problem. Most people treat drunk girls as a nuisance.

Just say you have diarrhea. No one will ask any further questions.

Wow, so many people still wasting their lives with this game. Time to grow up people.

And if you end up dying in your forties from stress then non of this applies to you.