
Do what I do, live alone and just don't turn your tv on for two months. Or take a vacation. Or both!!! Which is my plan.

Just turn it into a drinking game. You'll be smashed quickly so you won't even remember all their shit.

I just want to see how ridiculous Fox News will get with this War on XMas (it's XMas, not Christmas). Their anger is sooo delicious....

Start talking to women and get rejected a lot. You'll probably need to get rejected a couple of hundred times, at least. Eventually you'll stop caring about women, then they will start to be interested in you.

The average rent for a apartment in my city is $1200 a month (nice condos are even more, some places are more than $2000 a month). The mortgage for a townhouse starts around $2000 a month (for a smaller, older place far from the city). Utilities are about $300-400. Plus no one has a pension so they better be saving

Per person.

That's household income. Usually means two people. And lots of people in major cities make that much. Off the top of my head, I know doctors, lawyers, engineers, construction workers, and accountants that all make at least that much. Half of my social circle make more than $85k a year.

Try living in Manhattan making 80k a year. You will be living in a shitbox apartment living paycheque to paycheque. Good luck ever owning a apartment (let alone a house). LA is another expensive city. Toronto. Vancouver. And this is just North America. A household income of $200,000 is very middle class.

I'll be visiting this family during the holidays:

Where I live the middle class salary starts at $100,000. In some cities it's more. Personally I don't believe in living with the bare necessities. I want the luxuries in life. You only live once, might as well go all out. Enjoy living paycheque to paycheque.

Fair enough. I am being a little harsh here.

Most people want a lifestyle that requires more than 30k a year. Most people would like to own their home, drive a nice car, take nice vacations. 6+ million would work though.

I wouldn't say it's retarded. In the case of real athletes, they are subjecting their bodies to a lot of stress. Their careers are short compared to the average person. By the time they are 30 their bodies are already breaking down. What are they gonna do when they are retired? Most never trained for anything else in

I think there's a big difference between a real athlete and some guy that plays video games. And yes, even real athletes are overpaid (especially in football).

Please internet tough guy, you would do nothing. But you know what, you might get a chance in a few years as the US moves closer to civil war.

Well the guys in charge have all the guns for one.

So close to the standard Jezebel reply. You were only missing two things: 1) assume I'm a Nice Guy TM, and 2) assume I think I can trade friendship points for sex.

If you know that a value has to have a specific bounds you should be checking for that. But yes, under/overflowing might not cause a serious error.

We as in society. In doubt the OP is personally affected by her death (apologies if im incorrect).

So you'd be cool if your friend actively avoided you, cancelled plans all the time, or just never accepted your invites? Well good for you. I dont want people like that in my life. If that makes me a Nice Guy then i guess thats what i am. No woman is owed my friendship, just like no man is owed sex because he was nice.