
Yes, MORE BOUNTY SLOTS!!!! Exotic weapon bounties keep taking up space.


Tom Horton's hasn't been Canadian for years. Just an fyi.

Except age has caught up to Keanu now. But Rudd looks the same as when he was in his twenties (for the most part). Some men age well. I'm kinda glad I fall into that category (I'm 31 and look the same as I did at 20).

I wonder what the biggest compliment is, that Kravit looks like Rudd, or that Rudd looks like a 28 year old (he's 45)?

Ding ding ding. I'm a gearhead and while I could live without a car (especially in the new house I just bought) I enjoy driving. If you can afford it then own a car, but if you can't then seriously consider whether or not you need it.

It's probably a hackintosh.

You Scots should learn to speak 'Murican. Then you can use their superior technology.

Definitely. Someone dies because Tyreese doesn't like killing. Then hopefully Tyreese becomes a unstoppable murdering machine (like he does with zombies).

That was one of the rougher scenes in the entire show so far.

Why would you want two versions of the same game?

It's like a light switch. The moment you turn 35 your body will go to shit, and you'll start to develop dementia. By the time you are 45 you'll be needing full time care from a nurse. Enjoy!!!

Nothing she has done in raising her children has been ok. But this just takes the cake.

At least he has a job...

Well chances are there are issues with his personality. But let's be honest, his height has basically eliminated his chances with a large number of women (don't want to say half, but a lot).

Now playing

There's someone out there for everyone.

Its going to be terrible. And not because its wonder woman, its because DC are going to butcher their movies to keep up with Marvel/Disney.

its a pretty big one. Not many women would date a guy that small. Hell I've met women shorter than him that say they will only date a guy taller than 6'.