
Unfortunately you would never meet him if you weren't in his social circle.

I would say it's common sense til he through out that "artist" bit. Only a PUA would say that.

Everyone in our society in on their way from A to B. Don't talk to anyone!!!!!!!!!

Nah, that's just normal lens flare. Not JJ Abrams fake ass lens flare.

What did I write that wasn't English? Other than mixing up "Comedy Network" (Canadian) and "Comedy Central" (American).

It's kinda ironic how Canadians can't watch a clip of Canadians. FU Comedy Network!!!

You're confusing idiocy and ignorance. He's ignorant.


Just wait, it will be. It'll eventually be rolled in with sexual assault.

$1360 isn't that much...... Pretty sure anyone with a normal job can afford that in a year. My new camera cost twice that just for the body.

You still violated her privacy. Doesn't matter if you meant to look at nude pics or not. You chose to look at private photos she didn't choose to release to the public. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You're still a criminal.

$0, because I like playing games at 1080p/60fps....

Credit cards, get them..... It'll be worth the bankruptcy, trust me....

is it possible she is a lot younger in that pic?

It's the same trolls. They don't think it's fair that men can be conscripted into service but women can't. And at the same time they don't think it's fair that men have to pass higher standards to serve in the military. Basically it's "It's not fair!!!".

I thought oral was the new first base... Or was that the new handshake... Can never remember these things....

That was Gerard Butler in Dracula 2000?

I was wondering why everything north of the US is white. Then I looked outside, white is accurate...

Or just wear jeans and shorts to work :P