
Or they live in a city where house prices are out of control. In which case they are screwed either way.

If you were able to put $3000 a month into your mortgage you are easily in the top 10% of earners. While you and I may be able to afford that, most people can't do this. Though realistically only the top 20% of households could even afford a 20-25 year mortgage. Also where the hell are you getting a 12% return on your

Where do you live where homes can be paid off in 5 years? Where I live starter homes are $500,000. To pay that off in 5 year with 20% down and 3.44% interest your mortgage payments would be $7,261.59. So if that were the case only the 1% could own property.

There are always landlords that refuse to fix things. People buy shitty homes, throw some paint on the walls and then rent it for 50% more than their mortgage payment.

Your house isn't an investment, it's your home. It's great that you can build equity, but the interest you will pay will always be greater than inflation. But it depends on where you live. Live in the US? Rent, because your housing market is unstable (though if you bought for cheap after the bubble popped you will

Maybe that works if you live in Arkansas or Ohio but try doing that in a major city where a "starter" home is $1,000,000+.

Different mentality. Doesn't sound like the kid considers himself a victim, he thought it was consensual. Obviously these two should be arrested and charged (they really should know better), but hopefully people don't force the kid to view himself as a victim.

There will be a mass exodus from most online games when Smash hits. I know people that are only buying a WiiU for Smash.

Of course, it's actually a picture of this guy:

Here's another "gentleman" for ya

They won't probably.

True, it's more how self-entitled people think. I'm white-ish and could care less what people think of me or my feelings.

I found it googling "what about tha menz?". It looks like it's used in a few blog posts, don't how where it originates though.

Cue the Wilfrid Brimley memes

You can avoid the man. Quit. It's a job, not indentured servitude.

I can't speak for all men but I like a variety of women. I'm not attracted to obese women (Im pretty far from obese myself) but otherwise I'm not picky. Average body, thin, tall, short, blonde, brunette, etc. Its all good to me. Though lots of guys only want the leggy blonde with a big chest. Meh, they are missing out