Angelica Tarpop

If you are a fan of Bourdain, the new yorker ran a interesting piece on him last week.

He looks so gross in that picture, too. I always kind of assumed he didn’t smell very good.

Eeesh he’s gross now.

Another jealous one here.

Man, Tony Bourdain has a type, doesn’t he?

I understand that. I also think a lot of the people striking do so as a surrogate for those who can’t. However I also agree that we need to identify more inclusive means of participation.

Actually, an ongoing series of strikes would be the best outcome.

when she was found to be hooking up with costar Rupert Sanders on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman


Fuck yeah, Nancy.

Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.

Seems to me like every damn one of his public appearances IS a full-scale mental breakdown.

Oh god...its only been a week :(

centered on the finding that 94 percent of black women did not vote for her boss

Word is she is already hated by the career government types:

Here’s a bright clue; maybe stop bringing her on your TV shows, media. The more you give her a mouthpiece, the more shit will spew out, just like with Kellyanne Conway. And whatever happened to Katrina Pierson? I guess there could only be one asshole woman as the public face of Trump at a time.

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:

I have one particularly homophobic coworker who’s really been overdoing it with pro-Trump posters on his office door.

... so I know what’s getting laminated and put on mine first thing.

Except he didn’t save jazz.